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Jewellery and Diamond Buying Consultancy

  • What do I look for in buying a diamond?
  • What is the real worth of this engagement ring?
  • Is this diamond the real deal or is it a scam?
  • I’m worried it’s not what I want?
  • What do I really need to know before I commit?

These are just some of the many questions that go through our minds when we want to buy a piece of jewellery, especially that all important rock. It ranks as one of the most crucial purchases alongside a house and car because of the big investment; both emotional and financial that goes into it.

Layman’s terms below…

Going right to the basics, it is true, the 4c’s are the most important factors. Is one more important than the other? No. It’s like making a good dinner recipe. You need a healthy balance of all the ingredients. The same applies to buying a diamond.

The first thing you need to decide is how big?

0.5 carats, 1 carat, 1.5 carats, 2 carats or bigger? Don’t get too bogged down into carat. Spread is your friend. We need to remember that carat is only a weight. We want the diamond to look big, not a deep diamond that looks like a telescope because all the weight is in the pavilion. 5mm, 5.1mm 6mm, 6.5mm? These little jumps in numbers may look small on paper but are huge to the eye.

The second?

How much do I want to spend? Usually after this question gets answered we tend to revisit question one…

After settling on these two points we are then free to hesitantly move to question three. Ignore colour grades for a second? Am I happy to go with a slightly yellow tinge or do I want a very bright white diamond? If you’re happy with a slight yellow tinge, G colours and lower are your friends. Strictly want it white, F and higher is your friend. That being said, other factors can impact colour so this is not a strict rule.

Next item to consider is although arguably more important than colour is clarity. Do you want to see a spot or two or three…..or four in your diamond when you are walking down the street and you decide to have a look at your engagement ring instead of your phone? If you can tolerate this then you can visit the I1 grade. If you will be annoyed, stick to a good SI or above.

Finally, cut. This is probably the most important factor. You can have a flawless diamond and D colour but if the stone is cut poorly, you have unfortunately failed yourself. This should probably be ranked as the number one priority however once you have narrowed down your colour, clarity and carat, you can then select the stone with the best cut.


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